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Weekly Logs

Acorn Ace Final Project Discussion

The development of “Acorn Ace” over the past few weeks has been a dynamic, yet fun and rewarding project. After many changes, iterations, and hours of work, we are proud of the game we’ve developed and are considering continuing work on it and publishing it on the App Store as a game for mobile phones […]

StackOverflow – Final Log (11/26 – 12/2)

What was planned: Refine power-ups / boost / barrel-roll as necessary Refine level based on Playtesting feedback What was done: Power-ups now give indications when when collected Boost and barrel rolls were left unchanged Level design was improved/made harder with sideways pillars and other changes to the level design. We added a few tweaks to […]

Archon Weekly Log 11/26 – 12/03

This week showed a ton of refinement for Archon. Monday night had us preparing our play testing scene which brought in some polish and bug fixing. After Tuesday play testing, a large number of issues were brought to light and many substantial changes to combat, polish and game play were pursued until the final build. Game performance was greatly improved and […]

Personal Space Invaders Weekly Log 11/26 – 12/2

Playtested the game, in response to feedback we added another spawn point, made the button in the final room more obvious and added an instructions screen.  Made the video for the presentation. To do for next week: make presentation.  All goals for final build were met, with the exception of the second type of enemy […]

Team Shadowstalker: Final Log

Shadowstalker’s report for the Final Week What was Planned: Our final week was planned to largely be a debug session for our game.  After having presented our playable build, we intended to fix any bugs, glitches, and refine the game for our final product. What was Accomplished: Our playable build has met all of our […]


In response to the comments that testers made while playing our Alpha build, we: -Implemented health bars for both the player and enemies as soon as we could because the most common complaint that we received was that players could not tell when they were being hit, how many times they had been hit, and […]

Personal Space Invaders 11/19-11/25

GUI added, final objectives added. Game Over, Start and Win screens added.  Final game now complete.

Personal Space Invaders Weekly Log 11/12-11/18

Some level additions were made and a new type of enemy was added.  Some extraneous bugs were removed.

StackOverflow weekly log 11/18-11/25

What was planned: Work on power-ups / boost pads Finish level design Add polish / sound effects What was done: Began initial work on boost pad but it’s not completed yet Some changes were made in the level design (making it longer and adding more obstacles) but it’s not done either Added explosion of ship […]

SSS Weekly Log (Week 5)

Tonight our group met for several hours to compile the main components of our game. During the meeting, John tied together the art assets and fine-tuned the character & environment behaviors, Miles made the enemy AI, and Amy fixed and produced art assets as needed. We have decided to drop the second stage of game […]

Archon Weekly Log 11/19 – 11/26

This week we finished targeting, animations, enemy AI, and additional GUI elements. Multiple bugs related to framerate, cursor, and camera issues were addressed. We are wrapping up the level for playtesting. Added GUI elements : Mech statuses and mini-cameras First person/ third person indicator Pause Screen Title/Start Screen Minion statuses

DROP TABLE *: Weekly Log 4

Weekly Log: 11/5 – 11/11 Accomplishments – Improved character movement – Improved color powers – Improved graphics – Improved checkpoints Goal for Final Project – Level designs: 1 & 2 – Improved graphics – Level selector – Sound effects  

Shadowstalker Log (11/19/2012-11/25/2012)

Shadowstalker’s report for the Thanksgiving Week

Team Donkey Weekly Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 11/18/12.

Weekly log 11/18-11/25

We are DONE.   We have completed the game and hit target, adding things like attacking the boss, a scoring system, a wide variety of powerups, and start/end screens.  We are very satisfied with how the game turned out, and are already competing amongst ourselves for high scores.   We have one bug that we […]

SSS Weekly Log (Week 4)

John has finished the beta for the character movement and fine-tuned the squirrel swirl and jumping. Miles has finished the tree generator and is working on obstacle collision and enemy AI. Amy has finished the main sprites for the player character, items, and enemies and will be working on making a sprite counter that will […]

Archon’s weekly progress logs for 11/12-11/18

our focus this week was to turn our demo into an actual game, implementing fixes and enhancements related to the suggestions we received from our alpha demo as well as expanding functionality to fit our original game vision.

Shadowstalker Log (11/12/2012-11/18/2012)

What was Planned: -Fixing and refining game aspects such as character movement, enemy AI, level design (Some parts are tedious/dull/unfair), and interactable objects. -Visual/audio polish What was Accomplished: -Primarily, this week the character movement has been more finetuned.  Knockback has been implemented, the wall-jumping is more intuitive, and the character feels more mobile and akin […]

StackOverflow :: Weekly Log (11/12 – 11/18)

Goas: Refine flying controls and barrel-roll Add timer for door closing Start work on boost functionality Start working on level design that complements the game mechanics Results: Still working on some of the flying controls but they’re coming along Added timer for door closing First implementation of boost is complete Did some level design but […]

Weekly Log [11-11 to 11-18]

Team Donkey Weely Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 11/12/12.

Personal Space Invaders Weekly Log 11/5 – 11/11

After demoing our alpha to the class we have decided to make a few modifications, the entire game will be one giant level composed of single screen subsections, each screen will have a varying objective.  Work has been made to fix pathfinding issues and enemy shooting issues. We hope to have a more polished game […]

StackOverflow Weekly Log [11-5 to 11-11]

Goals Complete a basic barrel roll Work on feature set for Alpha Implementing changes based on suggestions Start boost functionality Results Barrel roll functionality is complete although we may change subtle things about it Features for the alpha were done in time Some suggestions have been implemented but we’re still working on implementing others A […]

Archon weekly logs 11/5 – 11/12

This week was spent changing and updating our plans based on the feedback received for the Alpha version of Archon. Jaron has updated the GUI functionality to fix player and enemy status display, while John and Alex have updated and tweaked the architecture. Our thoughts for updates to the Alpha are as follows: Fixes: -moving […]

Colored Spaghetti Weekly log 11/5-11/12

Last week we finished our alpha an then got a lot of great feedback for how to improve it so we began working on that. Our new short term goal is to make each of our 3 characters have a good feel on their own and be fun to play around with regardless of what […]

SSS Weekly Log (Week 3)

After alpha testing, we’re planning on making some changes to our game, specifically in mechanics. We slowed down the swirling and jumping to allow players to have more control, but this detracted from the quick, twitchy feel we wanted to achieve. Also, we are changing the climbing mechanic so that the character is running by […]

DROP TABLE *: Weekly Log 3

Weekly Log: 11/5 – 11/11 Accomplishments – Level design: level 1 – Cube rotation/switches – Death – Win condition – Color power: red – Color power: blue – Color power: green – Checkpoints Goals for Next Week – Improve checkpoints – Improve player movement – Sound effects – Level Design: Level 2 – Visual Improvements […]

Shadowstalker Log (11/5/2012-11/11/2012)

What was Planned: -Refining enemy AI -Creating more interactable objects -New level assets and a new level overall -Refining character movement and control. What was Accomplished: -More enemy variety is being planned and a potential enemy idea (Hammer-wielding enemy) is in development. -More interactable objects have been created and are being worked on.  These include […]

Team Donkey Weekly Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 11/05/12

Weekly Log [11-5 to 11-11]

This week we focused on the addition of various power ups to our game.  We made it so that the player is invincible when they make a dash, putting down the framework for adding power ups that grant you invincibility for longer.  When they player is invincible, they have a shield around them that deflects […]

Weekly Log [10-29 to 11-4]

Blog Week 2 – Team Locomorph

This week has seen good progress on our project, leading us well on the way toward alpha. The basic movement system is down, as is the AI system for the “viruses” that will destroy cells in our game world. We have a simple score-bar, and are making good progress on sound and graphics. Version control […]

Archon weekly logs 10/29 – 11/5

this week was spent in large part building the basic components that our game will be made from.

Personal Space Invaders Weekly Log 10/29 – 11/4

The goal for this week was too implement all the features defined for the Alpha Build of the game.  AI was implemented in the game by using Aron Granberg’s A* Pathfinding library available in Unity.  A simple level was created for the player to move around in and fight enemies.  A simple GUI was added […]

Colored Spaghetti Log 10/29-11/4

We basically created all the basic stuff for our alpha test and plan on compiling it all today. Kyle handled the character creation and the movement scripts. Lex worked on getting the collision interaction working along with giving the level stuff that can be interacted it. Josh made the character swapping scripts along with the […]

SSS Weekly Log (Week 2)

This week we focused on developing the primary design for our game and then implementing the core mechanics, as well as planning features to be added in in the next week or so. We want to get the skeleton idea down so we can build the game around it. The mechanics of our game are […]

Shadowstalker Log(10/29/2012 – 11/4/2012)

What was Planned: This week, we planned to work to accomplish our goals for the alpha.  This included: +Implementing a fully playable character. +Creating a level where the player must use the character’s abilities to reach the goal. +Integrating interactable objects for the level. +Implementing an enemy with some AI +Designating a win/lose state.  In […]

StackOverflow :: Weekly Log (10/29 – 11/4)

Goals: Layout a basic level with basic obstacles Layout a basic spaceship Implement closing door at end of level Implement flying mechanics/controls Hopefully get started on barrel-roll Results: Still working on level design Have a working spaceship with a few polish effects Door closes at end of level, but still need to work towards finding […]

Team Donkey Weekly Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 10/29/12.

Week 1 blog – Team Locomorph

This week has been a rocky start for our project. We’ve encountered a LOT of trouble setting up an SVN repository (apparently none of us have permission to access our group’s repository) so we’re considering the merits of other options. Nevertheless, we’re each making progress on our individual parts. The movement system is all but […]

StackOverflow :: Weekly Log (10/22 – 10/28)

The goals for the first week was to distribute the current project, plan out its design to completion, and begin setting up a collaborative work environment.

DROP TABLE *: Weekly Log 1

Weekly Log: 10/22 – 10/26 Accomplishments – Set up SVN Repository – Camera code – Basic player movement – Color changing/portals Unachieved Goals – Set up environment   Goals for Next Week – Level design: level 1 – Cube rotation/switches – Death – Win condition – Color power: red – Color power: blue – Color […]

Personal Space Invaders Weekly Log(Oct 22-28)

This week we formed our team, decided on an idea, made a pitch for the class, and wrote the design document.  The code from the prototype was also loaded onto the svn to give the other team members an idea of what needs to be done. Next week everything for the alpha goal must be […]

Archon Weekly Log 1(10/29/12)

For this first week, our main goal was to get the basic setup ready for our project to begin.

Weekly Log: 10/22 – 10/28

This week, our tasks were simple, form the team, finalize a game idea, and divide up the work.  We managed to accomplish all of this during this week.  Our weekly Sunday meeting also went smoothly.  We began working this week’s project.  Those include the level and the bullet pattern, a basic GUI, and a better […]

Colored Spaghetti Game Log Week of 22nd-28th

We were unable to meet this weekend, but we are meeting today and plan on going over the different parts of what each of us are going to do. We have already started modelling each character, and are looking into what we can do to make it simple but effective. We have begun the making […]

SSS Weekly Log (Week 1)

We’ve compiled our team and are brainstorming ideas for what we want our game to be. All of us gravitated towards John’s squirrel mechanic prototype from Project 3, since it had a more definitive game feel and was implemented well. We are thinking of building a game around his mechanics. After discussing our strengths, we […]

Shadowstalker Log (10/22/2012 – 10/28/2012)

What was Planned: This weekend was primarily for determining communication methods and uploading the code to a repository. What was Accomplished: The initial code from the prototype has now been imported into the local repository set up for CS4455 and initial coding has begun.  Communication information however, besides e-mails, have not been exchanged at this […]

Team Donkey Weekly Update

This is a weekly update log of what Team Donkey has done for the week of 10/22/12.