Displaying the most recent of 10 posts written by

Crystal Monkey

Team Unnamed : WoWizard Final Post

During this final week, we fixed the multiplayer feature and added more polishing.

Team Unnamed: Final Build

World of Wizard Contains final build & game log

Unnamed – Log #2

Unnamed – Log#2

Unnamed Project – Log 1 & Alpha Playtest

Unnamed Project Week 1 log & Alpha play test

Unnamed Project Design

Game Plan World of Wizard is a 3D player vs. player game. Each player is a wizard with a set of diverse spells. Since the opponent is no long an AI, player will need to understand the function of each spell and use it wisely to defeat the opponent. This game is heavily focused on […]

Group Pitch

Group Unnamed  

Monkey P4: Fireball

This is a simple 3D game with keywords: enemy and attack.

Monkey : P3 Joyful Meerkat

Joyful meerkat explores around the desert and digs(more like steps on) gold. I guess he’s more cute than joyful.

Monkey – Project 2

1 – Light 2 – Heavy As you hold down A/D key, the speed of the avatar increases. The speed affects how high and far the avatar can jump.

monkey: ooh~random curve

The ball is flying in a curvy curve.