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AR Content Placement Using 3D Models

This goal of this project is to allow users to place virtual content in the real world using an AR application built on ARGON2.  Users of the app can place virtual content on Georgia Tech campus buildings.  The placement of the virtual content is done by pushing the content from the device out till it […]


SmARt Car is an augmented reality application meant to be integrated in a car, in order to ease the interaction of the driver with the tools usually found in a car. It is made of several tools (GPS, tachometer, …) gathered on the windshield of the car. The utility of smARt Car is twofold: providing […]

Arienteering: AR-based Orienteering

This project aims to use augmented reality techniques to create a new kind of orienteering. We implement a system on Argon to support the whole process of the outdoor game. The system can provide necessary information and some useful tools to instruct the players from the beginning to the end. Users can navigate themselves and […]

ARt Explore

Final Project post by: Andy Pruett, Anshul Bhatnagar and Mukul Sati Overview and Lessons Learnt: Our project was aimed at using AR to enhance the experience of viewing and interacting with large art-work such as murals and graffiti. Using natural image tracking for images of these sizes presents substantial challenges that we sought to solve, […]

Project Report 2 : Control the map

Project Report 2 : Control the map Student : Olivier Richard Aurelien Bonnafont What has change Our initial project was to use face recognition to allow a user to “kill” an opponent. We do not think that we are going to implement this feature because we do not have access to the screen image and […]

AR Content Placement using 3D models and orthographic projections

  Matt Ruge Paul Plunkett PROGRESS REPORT 2 ABSTRACT We feel that Augmented Reality would be a much more useable and popular tool if resources didn’t require an investment of time, expertise, and money.  Our goal is to provide an interface that would allow simple augmented reality interfaces to be created in as little as […]

Bejeweled Part II

Progress Report   Summary of Proposed Project(unchanged):    We will build a Competitive AR version of Bejeweled.  Bejeweled is a puzzle game where a single player moves multi coloured jewels on a grid. The jewels are moved by swapping them with a neighboring jewel.   A string of three or more jewels in the horizontal or vertical […]

Project Report 2: smARtcar

Project Report 2: smARtcar Overview: This time our focus was getting information about interesting places on the route the user is currently taking and displaying this information in Argon. We managed to get some interesting locations around the current location by using the geoNames API. We created virtual billboards of information and positioned them around […]

Progress Report Two: AR Based Orienteering

1. Target 1.1 UI Perfection and Navigation System Improvement This is the follow-up work of Progress Report 1. Previously we didn’t pay too much attention to the usability associated with the layout. Our main effort was put on how to functionally fulfill our system. The user interface was simply implemented for debug use. In this […]

Project Progress Report 2

Spatial AR Based Interactive Storytelling Group Members: Mohini Thakkar, Samrat Ambadekar, Varun Thakkar Abstract AR based app to encourage social interactions based on geo-location. The app serves as a memory book reminding users of sweet moments they have shared with their friends and families at specific locations. The application helps users avoid boredom whenever they […]

Project Progress report – Stage 2

As part of our proposed application to develop a Marauders Map AR application, we have made following progress: 1)      When the application loads, an overview of Marauder’s Map is displayed along with a CSS button which says – ‘Touch and Hold to take oath’. As the user holds the button, the oath appears on the […]

Project Report 1

Project Report 1 for smARtcar -by Gaurav Dhage and Gaëtan Coisne Current state: The first focus of our project is getting data from a maps API and using it to display visual direction pointers to the user in Argon. We have chosen the Google maps API for this project. We are able to retrieve the […]

Progress report [Control the map game]

Abstract: We choose to implement a control of the map game which will be played on the campus. At the beginning of the game, each teams control the same number of point and there is at least one free point. Capturing this free point allows the team to capture the next ones and so one. […]

Progress Report 1 – AR Content Placement using 3D models and orthographic projections

Since we revised our initial proposal to develop a more concise and focused project, our phase 1 goals were simplified. Assignment 1 gave us more insight into ARGON2 and developing for it.  Due to the difficulties we encountered, we decided to focus on the THREE.js and web interfaces for our project before working with argon.  […]

Progress Report I – AR for Participation with Outdoor Art

Brief overview: We are running a bit behind schedule due to certain issues revealed in prototyping, requiring us to try out different alternatives as opposed to our initial plans. As we see it,  should not affect the overall deliverable time-schedule, but we might have to rethink the user interaction so as to provide a best-possible […]

Progress Report One: AR Based Orienteering

1. Target 1.1 Configure the coding environment Since we three need to cooperate online to work on the code, the coding manage environment should be configured to support download, upload, merge and other version control operation. We set up a  web server so that all of us can get and modify the same program with […]

Project Progress – Marauders map [March 11, 2013 – stage 1]

As part of our proposed application to develop a Marauders Map AR application, we have made following progress: 1)      The marauders map being overlaid on an image tracker. The map shows different rooms which would be the play area for different challenges. 2)      A pair of footsteps being displayed on the map when the camera […]

Project Proposal – AR for Participation with Outdoor Art

AR for Participation with Outdoor Art Group Members: Andy Pruett, Anshul Bhatnagar, Mukul Sati Abstract: The central idea of this project is to investigate how AR technology can be deployed to support interaction with outdoor public art. Public art and street art may often be perceived as objectionable, may be temporary or experimental, and often promotes discussion […]

Project proposal [Olivier Aurelien]

We decided to implement a control of the map game, you can play on your iphone or ipad. The goal is to control point on a map, we will use the georgia tech campus as the map and the different places for the points. The rules are simple: There is two teams and at the […]

AR Content Generation through Web Technologies

Matt Ruge and Paul Plunkett Many technologies and solutions have already been developed for virtual and augmented reality, but one of the largest lacking pieces is content.  In order to effectively add information, content, and experiences to the world, someone has to create that content.  Tools such as Augmented Reality Web Browsers, and applications that […]

Idea for AR games

This is an article to those who want to do gaming AR and need some inspiration. The basics of the block by block seems to be interesting base on what we seen in class with Argon. http://www.fastcompany.com/1313885/five-addictive-augmented-reality-gaming-apps