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Week 11 Summary

Pop through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction The paper discusses 2 input devices to navigate and interact with the virtual world. The Trigger Gun and the Finger Sleeve both have pop through buttons which can support 2 activation states depending on the pressure applied. Combined with the off-state, they provide 3 states. The […]

Week 11 Summary

            Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction The paper discusses about two input devices called FingerSleeve and TriggerGun which provide some novel ways of interacting through a virtual environment. FingerSleeve device can be worn on the index finger of either hands. It has two buttons on the front […]

Week 11 Summary

Pop Through Button Devices for VE Navigation and Interaction: This paper focuses on two devices designed for virtual environment navigation and interaction.  One of the devices the FingerSleeve is worn on the index finger and has two pop-through buttons, buttons that can register both light pressure and heavy pressure, that are activated with the users […]