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week 6 summary – Hitesh

Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR The paper intends to investigate the importance of different kinds of depth cues in 3D perception depending upon the kind of task being performed. It also takes into account the probable advantages of head tracking for visual guided tasks. The two depth cues being referred […]

Fishbowl Fitts’ Law

In this paper, Arsenault and Ware report on the effects of head tracking and stereo imaging for eye-hand coordination in a mixed reality environment. The authors use a Fitts’ law type experiment to study the effect on reaction times when subjects are forced to move their heads to look around a barrier in an Fishtank […]

Week 6 Summary: Stereo vs. Eye-coupled perspective

Before reading this paper, I googled Fish Tank VR and found the Colin Ware and Kevin Arthur paper title “Fish tank Virtual reality” and their abstract concluded that head coupling is probably more important than stereo in 3D visualization and that head coupling and stereo combined provide an important enhancement to monitor based computer graphics. When I […]

[Summary Week 6] The importance of stereo and eye-coupled perspective for eye-hand coordination in Fishtank VR

In their paper, Arsenault and Ware discuss the relative importance of stereo-based and motion-parallax based depth cues in a virtual environment. Stereo depth cues are provided due to disparities between the pair of images formed in the left and the right eye, for the same scene. Motion-parallax also provides a monocular depth cue, arising due to the […]

week 6 summary [Aurelien Bonnafont]

This paper explain how produce a VR environment with an accurate vision of depth and compare head tracking and Stereoscopic vision in the case of visually guided task. Stereopsis allows us to compute the distance of objects to the user, and this technique is useful with a high resolution screen. Motion parallax is the depth […]

Week 6 Summary

The importance of Stereo and Eye Couple Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR   Stereoscopic depth information is gained from disparities whereas motion parallax information is obtained when the user moves relative to the environment. Previous studies have shown that stereoscopic viewing has a large advantage in visually guided tasks but head tracking […]

Week 6 Summary

The importance of Stereo and Eye Couple Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR – Roland Arsenault and Colin Ware The term “Fish Tank VR” means a method for creating a small high-quality virtual environment. This paper tries to compare the impact of Stereoscopic Depth and Motion Parallax while touching, reaching objects in a […]

Week 6 Summary

The Importance of Stero and Eye-Coupled perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR This paper explores the relative importance of coupling stereoscopic viewing and perspective to a user’s eye position, for hand-eye coordination in 3D virtual environments.  The paper focuses on fish-tank VR which is a small high-quality virtual environment, having the virtual environment […]

Week 6 summary

The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR   The paper compared the importance of stereoscopic depth and the importance of motion parallax from head movement in reaching task. First, the authors describe the difference between stereoscopic depth and motion parallax and the characteristics of stereoscopic depth. The […]

The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR.

In the paper the authors try to come up with an experimental proof that stereoscopic depth is a better cue in comparison to the parallax motion for creating a 3D AR environment. They performed a variation of the Fitts’s experiment. They generated cylinders of various lengths at various positions on the grid. In the experiment […]

Summary for week 6

The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR In order to interact with something, one needs to estimate distances accurately. Therefore, this paper studies the importance of coupling perspective to the user’s eye position versus stereoscopic viewing. Usually, research into depth perception focuses on stereoscopic depth, motto parallax, occlusion […]

Week Six Summary

This week’s paper is about guide assisted depth perception for the reaching of objects.  This is importance in VR as in real life to allow the user to properly interact and reduce strain on any such interaction. This is specifically in the case of what they referred  to as Fish Tank VR, or VR in […]

Week 6 Summary

The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR This study was done to examine the effects of correct versus incorrect perspective and stereoscopic depth for visually guided reaching. They were also interested in the adaptation that might occur when subjects changed their viewpoint when head tracking was turned […]

Fish Tank VR – Paper Summary

The paper discusses a study which showed that stereoscopic vision is more important than eye-coupled perspective for visually guided hand movements. Depth judgment is critical while interacting with objects. Research in depth perception focuses more  on depth cues and coupling the perspective is important for a VR system. A comparison between stereoscopic depth perception and […]

The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR

The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR Stereoscopic depth is all about the information gain from disparities. In opposite, Motion Parallax refers to the depth information obtains when an observer is moving in the environment. If both seem important for virtual environment, studies failed to determine which one […]

Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR

The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR -Roland Arsenault and Colin Ware In this study Arsenault and Ware compare results obtained from a Fish Tank VR eye-hand coordination experiment with previous results obtained by similar studies. The author’s claimed that previous studies showed contribution of head tracking based […]

Week 6 Summary

The Importance of Stereo and Eye-Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR This paper investigates and discusses the relative importance of stereo and eye coupled perspective for eye-hand coordination in a virtual reality system. The authors first introduce the importance of stereo, correct perspective and active touch in virtual reality by reviewing a […]

[week 6 summaries]

The Importance of Stereo and Eye Coupled Perspective for Eye-Hand Coordination in Fish Tank VR By conducting an experiment based on Fish Tank VR, the authors tried to investigate the relative importance of stereo and head tracking in visually guided hand movements. Stereo (S) or stereoscopy is a technique that creates two slightly different images […]

Week 6 Summary

In this paper, the authors concentrate on the importance of depth perception. By reviewing the previous work in this area, they introduces the concepts of stereoscopic disparity and motion parallax. A lot of insights and interesting findings are collected here to help readers have a better understanding of these concepts. They also give an introduction […]

Ruge’s Summary of Arsenault and Ware

Arsenault and Ware’s paper discusses the importance of different visual phenomenal in augmented and virtual realities. They spend much of the paper documenting prior works and the effects those papers observed. Specifically the paper discuses Motion parallax and perspective distortion. These were tested through performing a simple task and measuring the time it took to […]